Able Australia: Wise Planning for a Funded Future
Uncertainty comes in many forms for today’s corporates, and even more so for the Not For Profit (NFP) sector.
Unprecedented changes to disability funding are currently occurring as a result of the new National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). The NDIS overhauls the way people with disability, their carers and families are supported. Under the NDIS, people with disability will make the decisions about their supports, including who will provide them. Funding for disability supports is allocated to each eligible individual, not to a service provider.
Both optimistic and gloomy speculation abounds as to what impact the NDIS will have for service providers. NDIS will certainly increase competition between NFP’s. From a business perspective, even dominant service providers for a particular disability are shoring up for the acquisitions, mergers, and the new competition that will arise from block funding no longer being given to larger NFP’s. To supplement the loss of block funding, NFPs will need to develop new revenue streams.
Able Australia is one of Australia’s leading NFPs. Originally started as the Victorian Deaf Blind and Rubella Children’s Association in 1967, it has expanded into a diverse multi disability and learning services provider. In response to the changes within the industry and the need to develop new avenues for fundraising, Able planned on first addressing some key structures and systems within its organisation. A re-vamp of its internal systems and communications were undertaken that would provide a truly scalable business model to prepare for changes in the sector.
Able Australia proceeded to deploy the full complement of Telarus service pillars: Managed Network, Managed Security and Secure Private Cloud (IAAS). Many IT functions were rationalised and outsourced. Telarus played an important part in the transition by delivering the wide area network (WAN) and security environment as well as the cloud computing and disaster recovery backbone.
Implementing the Telarus ‘full package’ of services has had a positive effect on Able’s day to day operations. Having their infrastructure and software applications stored and managed centrally at off site data centres has increased the efficiency and effectiveness of staff. Able staff can now work on the road without hesitation, accessing and updating client information at will, and still in a very secure manner. Key data is now recoverable on line via the Telarus Private Cloud in case of a disaster situation.
Able also utilise Telarus’ Network Monitoring System (NMS) providing real time reporting and alerts on critical elements of all aspects of the platform. The details of any problems at each location can be quickly identified and actioned.
Telarus is not only proud to have Able as a client, but we are proud to support their fund raising initiatives. We were delighted to attend its recent “FundAble Future” event at the NAB building in Melbourne. An auction-style crowd funding event was launched for 5 new Able projects. Think of Kickstarter, but in person.
The various projects included peer-supported orientation and mobility services, a sensory garden, a community arts hub, and a transitional program for young people with a disability. The best part of the night was that the Project Leaders themselves were involved in the presentations, which really helped to bring the projects to life.
Able Australia demonstrates a clear vision to building a future for their organisation and the clients they support. To read more about their programs or to support them in their endeavours, please go to the Able Australia website.